These lines happen when one is expressing an emotion of disapproval or feeling puzzled, and draws the eyebrows towards the middle. There are 2 to 3 vertical lines and sometimes they can be so deep that they look like scars from cutting injuries.
The most direct way of treating crow’s feet is to inject Botulinum over the area.The Botulinum directly reduces the contraction strength of the muscles and therefore the muscles cannot create the creases as usual. The effect usually comes on in 3 to 5 days and will last for about 5 to 6 months. However, with repeated injections over time, the muscles will learn to relax more and the frequency of injections can become less and less often gradually.

Some people worry that the Botulinum will make them look frozen. Normally this should not happen, and if it does even slightly, it is due to improper technique of the injector or too much dosage is being injected. Experience is important here.
As said, the lines can be very deep, in that case it may necessary to add in extra Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler to smooth them out.
Just a note to mention that those vertical lines surrounding the mouth are frequently caused by movement to tight up the lips, such as smoking, while the naso-labial folds will deepen on smiling. These two types of lines cannot use Botulinum to rectify.